Aloe Veras are great houseplants. They are super easy to take care of, build offshoots once they are big enough, and you don’t have to do a lot to keep them alive. But even though they are very easy to please, there are some factors that will make an Aloe Vera plant turn brown.
As a whole, there are several reasons why an Aloe Vera can turn brown. One of the most common reasons is that the plant is not watered enough or watered too much. Another common reason is that the plant gets too much direct sunlight.
In the following, you will find more information on why your Aloe Vera plant is turning brown and what to do against it.
Aloe Vera can turn brown if not watered enough
Aloe Vera plants are succulents. Just like all succulents, they store water in their leaves. If the leaves are not getting enough water, they will start to get thinner at first and eventually turn brown.
If you think your Aloe Vera plant is turning brown because it is not getting enough water, the best thing to do is to water it more frequently. This does not mean that the soil needs to be moist! Aloe Vera likes dry soil and only needs to be watered every 5 to 30 days, depending on the temperature and humidity in your home, and depending on the season.
An Aloe Vera should be watered when the soil is dry to the touch. During the winter, watering once a month is enough, while during the summer, the Aloe Vera might need some water every 5 to 10 days.
Aloe Vera can turn brown if watered too much
An overwatered Aloe Vera plant will have leaves that are softer than usual and mushy. The leaves may also turn yellow or brown and fall off.
If an Aloe Vera plant is overwatered, the roots might even start to rot and the plant will start to wilt. The plant will eventually die if it is not watered less.
If you think your plant is overwatered, stop watering it for a week or longer depending on how your plant and the soil look like, and see if the leaves start to firm up.
In some cases, the roots are already too rotten to recover in the damp soil. In that case, you might need to repot your Aloe Vera plant with new, fresh, dry soil.
An Aloe Vera should be watered when the soil is dry to the touch. The amount of water an Aloe Vera needs depends on the season. In the winter, one watering per month is sufficient. However, during the summer, the Aloe Vera might need to be watered once a week.
Aloe Vera can get sunburned and turn brown
Another reason an Aloe Vera plant might turn brown is that it is getting too much sun. Aloe Vera plants need bright light to thrive, but too much direct sunlight can scorch the leaves and turn them brown.
If you think it is getting too much sun, try moving it to a spot with less direct sunlight.
Aloe Vera can turn brown due to pest infestation
Something considered a pest infestation is root rot which is a result of overwatering an Aloe Vera plant. Moist soil can be a good breeding ground for fungi that can attack the roots of the Aloe Vera plant. This can lead to rotting roots which are obviously something that will affect an Aloe Vera. If you find any wilting or yellow leaves, this might be an indication of root rot. The best way to save your plant is to transplant the Aloe Vera to a different pot with new soil. Make sure to remove any dark brown or black roots while the Aloe Vera is outside of the pot.
Other pests that can infest an Aloe Vera and cause them to turn brown include aphids, mealybugs, scale insects, and whiteflies. These pests can suck the sap out of the plant, causing it to turn brown and eventually die.
Aphids and mealybugs are tiny, soft-bodied insects that feed on the sap of the plant.
Scale insects are small, hard-bodied insects, and whiteflies are small, winged insects. All of these insects feed on the sap of the Aloe Vera, causing the plant to turn brown or in some cases yellow. They are often found on the downsides of the leaves. The insects can be controlled by spraying the plant with water or an insecticide. You can also gently rub the leaves with a piece of cotton cloth dipped in water, or rubbing alcohol.
Is Aloe Vera Geld still good if the leaves are brown?
If the leaves of your Aloe Vera plant are turning brown, it is still safe to use the gel inside of the leaves. The gel is the clear, jelly-like substance inside the leaves. It can be used to soothe burns, cuts, and other skin irritations. If the gel inside of the leaves smells bad or looks cloudy instead of transparent, you should not use it any longer. The leave might have started to mold.
Should brown Aloe Vera leaves be cut off?
You should not cut off brown Aloe Vera leaves, as this will damage the plant. Especially if only a small part of the leaf is brown, you should just leave it on the plant.
If the leaf is already completely brown, you can just wait until it has dried out and remove it.